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Welcome New Boiler Service

We deal with New Boiler Installation at Competitive prices

How We Work

Our Boiler Installation process is unique and makes every customer 100% satisfaction.
Below are few questions raised by customers, we have recommended the perfect product
for you and explained in Steps.

You Choose Answer

It is not always easy to choose a new boiler. Initially, you need to make sure what type of system you have installed.

You Choose Boiler

You select the most efficient boiler, before choosing the best vendor who would be interested to meet with a given efficiency value.

We will get Installed

 We think a good installer should take the time to perform the fully heating survey of your house and need to learn all about your heating & hot water usage at initially giving you with the recommended category and perfect size of the boiler which fit your need.

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Our Price Promise

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Learn More

Find a Boiler right for you

We have 3 kinds of Boilers, Combi boilers, System Boilers, Conventional Boilers. With so many types of boiler, selecting the perfect one for you can feel like a tough task. But it is not needed. For starters, read the difference between the three main domestic boiler types:
Combi Boiler
The combination boiler, also called as a combi boiler, which tends to be more compact, as it will not require the hot water cylinders. The Combi boiler installation process will be done faster.
System Boiler
A system boiler is like the conventional boiler, but it needed more heating system components are built in. They usually take up the less space because they do not require a tank in the loft and finally it can be easy to install.
Conventional Boiler
A conventional boiler usually comes with a hot water tank or a cylinder where hot water is kept. The Gallons of water need to be heated, stored, and which readily used.


How about a FREE thermostat when you

buy a boiler with us

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